Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day trip to the 'Imiloa Astronomy Center

Mauna Loa on the drive to Hilo as seen from the drive on Saddle Road.

Levi, Lisa and Ben sitting on a tile mosaic of Mauna Kea at the
 'Imiloa Astronomy center and planetarium.

All of us outside the planetarium dome at the Astronomy center.

 Ben finding comfort in the local botanical garden.
Levi eating the Noni fruit - infamously known for smelling like feet.

Fritz also thought he would give it a try.

Mountain apples taste a lot better than the Noni fruit!

Ben learns that wearing his flower on the left  means that he is spoken for.

Fritz sporting the indigo tongue of an indiginous dye.

 Levi thought it looked pretty too.

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